Friday, January 6, 2012


1. Which aspects of the ESLRs are you focusing on?
-I'm focusing mainly on the following ESLRs: Effective User of Technology and Effective Communicator. For example, in my senior project I am required, as an aspiring journalist, to learn how to use the Internet medium to publish be it the senior blogs, in my service learning, and even by using the web and computer programs to create presentations. Another example of the Effective Communicator ESLR is when, as a journalist, I am working with the interview requirements of the senior project as well as practicing my journalistic skills and interviewing skills.
2. How will you do this (or how have you done this already in your senior project?)
-I have done this by going on multiple interviews, researching, and even in my science fair where I am conducting my research by emailing my survey to journalists across the United States.
3. How will this help you become better, educationally?
-These skills will help me in my educational career by acquiring and applying these skills to use technology to research more effectively, communicate better with my peers as well as my superiors, and giving me a more well-rounded sense of skills.

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