I wouldn't say that I learned how to do this, but I definitely improved it. I learned how to improve my copyediting skills. At the Poly Post, most of the time I am editing stories that will be featured in the weekly newspaper issue. This includes making grammatical corrections, giving feedback, and giving suggestions for improvement on stories.
2. Post evidence of this accomplishment. It can be in the form of a picture, video, document, etc..
Photo 1 (Above): This is one of the various stories I have copyedited while at the Poly Post Newspaper.
3. What research helped you to do this and how?*
The following research helped me because it featured AP style writing and how to write it, which is what is used for writing the Poly Post. Thus, by reading this article, I was able to know what corrections needed to be made, what to do, and what not to do when writing AP style. Prior to working at the Poly Post, I had heard about AP Style writing, but never actually used it or knew much about it. For example, when an article I was copyediting at the Post came in, I knew how to correct percentages from 5% to 5 percent, among other corrections needed. Another form of "research" would just be my service learning because before I receive a story to copyedit, it has gone through the rest of the editors, thus it gives me an idea on what the editors are looking for and what they want and do not want in the stories.
Article: The Basics of Associated Press Style by Tony Rogers (http://journalism.about.com/od/writing/a/apstyle.htm)